The first S of the 5S Method
The 5S method is a Japanese method stemming from the philosophy that the workspace is more efficient when clean. A messy space is inherently filled with waste, literally as well as figuratively; it is a waste of materials, space, and time.
The 5S’s are
1) Sort
2) Straighten
3) Shine
4) Standardize
5) Sustain
Pros and Cons to the 5S method
● Cost saving ● People may resist & be unsettled by ● Improved morale the radical change ● Increased safety ● Cleaning up a mess that took years to ● Swift changes in operations make will take time ● Ease of moving ● 5s results will fade away quickly w/out ● Simplifies processes proper management support ● Increases material visibility ● Re-Engineers the workforce ● Improves quality of management
The 1st phase - Sort
This phase is used to declutter, the objective is to find the materials that are needed to work over the next 2 days and dispose of any unused items.
Sorting prep
1) Sketch (photo) a floor plan of the original location of all materials
2) Identify a place to store occasionally used materials
3) Get green tags to mark items you want to keep where they are currently and red tags for items you will be moving to the disposal area
4) Find a location to send disposal items
5) Decide how to handle items for disposal;
a) Return to vendor
b) Return to warehouse
c) Sell or throw away or recycle
d) Donate
e) Send to landfill
1) Tag all materials with green or red tags
2) Open, inspect and tag every drawer, shelf, cabinet, container, etc. in workplace
3) Inspect workplace to make sure everything has been tagged when 5S members believe that they’re done