(5S Method Part 4)
In this phase the past 3 phases are reviewed, the processes that have come from them are compiled and standardized. This allows employees to have clear instructions on what their responsibilities are for taking care of their workplace, where tools and materials are located, and how to solve any problems that may arise during their work day. When creating this standardized process, make sure to leave room for the unique workstation requirements of each department. The directions of this process should be simple enough for a visitor to be able to understand it within a minute.
Standardized process
● Define cleanliness
○ Use pictures to show what is expected and where when
cleaning the workplace.
● Choose the most efficient process and designate a member from each five as team to set up facility wide practices
● Standardize the 5S status board
○ Make sure each department’s 5S board has the same layout of data
● Standardize signs and labels
○ Use visual control, allow signs and labels to be visual displays that convey to workers information. Utilize shape, color, location and lighting to make them high contrast. Make sure they are easy to spot and decipher.
● Standardize labeling for personal work stations
○ Use employees names to mark their work space in order to provide a sense of pride and to keep things organized
● Schedule daily cleaning and weekly meetings
○ Make a time at the end of the work day for facility wide daily cleaning. ○ Organize a weekly 5S team meeting after lunch break
● Standardize auditing process
○ A checklist you use to ensure the facility is being properly organized and cleaned is an audit. This sheet will allow you to watch the progress of your 5S teams progress and determine areas that need work.
Employees may suggest new, or changes to old procedures and standards. If this becomes part of the routine make sure to update the old standards and publish them publicly.